Previously while on Xubuntu 14.04 I had developed a customized theme. Please if interested in that refer here:
Since LTS upgrading to Xubuntu 16.04, I had to adjust it slightly to obtain satisfactory results. Here is what I came up with.
1) First set the window style and icons as follows:
Click the button labeled "All Settings" to go back to the main Settings Manager
2) Next set the window manager as follows:
Click the button labeled "All Settings" to go back to the main Settings Manager
3) tweak the highlight color as follows:
Settings Manager \ Theme Configuration
4) Finally, edit the ~/.gtkrc-2.0 configuration file:
style "default"
bg[SELECTED] = "#3B5998" #Active Window Title Bar
style "entry" = "default"
text[SELECTED] = "#FFFFFF" #Input control selected text
class "GtkWidget" style "default"
class "GtkEntry" style "entry"
# End custom styles
Shown below is a preview of how it turned out:
I like the fact that with these settings I still get the traditional scroll bars... grey sliders with arrows at each end.