
HOW-TO: Re-Download Ubuntu .deb package for software installed when the package file has been deleted already

I ended up in a situation where Google Earth updated, and the new version does not work. I wanted to revert back to the just prior version, and I discovered I had not made a copy of the prior version's package file. Browsing Google's APT server greeted me with many unhelpful 404 pages... browsing the APT server discouraged!

So there is a standard to how the repositories are laid out. Knowing certain things allows by substitution to correctly arrive at, in this case, other versions of packages that should be also on the APT server.

Custom assembled attractive dark blue theme for Xfce with Raleigh, Adwaita, and Moheli on Xubuntu 16.04

Previously while on Xubuntu 14.04 I had developed a customized theme. Please if interested in that refer here: http://www.lueckdatasystems.com/Custom_assembled_attractive_dark_blue_th...

Since LTS upgrading to Xubuntu 16.04, I had to adjust it slightly to obtain satisfactory results. Here is what I came up with.

1) First set the window style and icons as follows:

Settings Manager \ Appearance \ Style tab \ select Raleigh
Settings Manager \ Appearance \ Icons tab \ select Adwaita

Successfully running x11vnc as a Systemd Service in Xubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)

I found many posts about running x11vnc at boot up on various flavors of Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus). None of the posted suggestions would work for me as-is. I ended up finding a solution that works on Xubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), so am posting just the Systemd service file here as a suggestion of what works for me:

Description=x11vnc VNC Server for X11


Fixing DHCP Network Interface with Network Manager in Xubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)

A very annoying problem came back to a Xubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) system quite suddenly and annoyingly would not go away. This system would not obtain a DHCP address. The Network Manager tray icon was not even the "spinning" icon indicating it was trying to obtain an address from the DHCP server. I checked around the Internet for suggestions how to resolve this issue. Nothing we located and tested resolved the issue.

Custom assembled attractive dark blue theme for Xfce with Clearlooks, Gion, and Moheli

Previously while on Ubuntu with the classic GNOME 2 desktop environment, I had developed a customized theme. Please if interested in that refer here: http://www.lueckdatasystems.com/Custom_assembled_attractive_dark_blue_th...

Getting mouse control back from Vinagre Remote Desktop Viewer VNC session

I found myself trapped within a Vinagre Remote Desktop Viewer VNC session to a remote Linux server console. Trying all keys to find the magic key to pop mouse control back to my local Linux system, finally I found it: the F10 key! In the mean time, I had found the key to make the Vinagre on-line help come up, was navigating through it using keyboard only... and what few help suggestions there were, they always told to go to the Vinagre menu to click on something...

Adding back Skyrocket screensaver to Xubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)

I knew how to add my favorite screensaver, Skyrocket, to Xubuntu based on having researched it before: http://www.lueckdatasystems.com/Adding_back_Skyrocket_screen_saver_to_Ub... However this time, the Really Slick Screensavers GLX Port entries did not show up in the list of screensavers. So I went searching how to get them to become available.

I discovered in this file:


that I should perform the following:

$ ps aux|grep xscreensaver

HOW-TO: Command Line Connect to a CUPS Network Printer for Ubuntu Linux

There seems to be a bug in Ubuntu in that when you reboot the system all remote CUPS printer connections are forgotten. This sounded like something needing a bit of scripting magic, so I went searching for how to accomplish that. Turns out it was quite simple actually. The utility lpadmin will be your friend to command line administer printers / print queues. The first lpadmin command attaches to the CUPS shared network printer queue via the IPP protocol, and the second lpadmin command sets the printer as the system default.

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